Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another incredible photog giveaway from LWP!

Check out another great LWP photog giveaway!


Friday, February 11, 2011

LWP Giveaway

Check out the incredible giveaway by Laura Winslow Photography. Be sure to look around her site, she is an amazing photographer! Good luck, but if you win I'll be mad ;)


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Jeremy took David to ride the motocross track in Aztec for the first time. David loved it, especially the banked turns that he compared to "Davy Jones' whirlpools". The boys rode and the girls watched - for now anyway, though I think Alexandra would be right there with David if we'd let her.

Alexandra plays soccer

This was Alexandra's first year on the soccer fun team (3-4 yr olds). She loved it more than I ever thought she would and she can't wait until next season. It was the first team that she has belonged to that was hers alone and she loved it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Alexandra, the gymnast

Alexandra started gymnastics this spring. She is learning so much about gymnastics in a fun way and gaining some coordination as well. She talks constantly about going to gymnastics and to soccer - she loves her sports. Apparently an additional goal of this class for Alexandra is always wearing the biggest tutu she can come up with!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Trip to the farm!

We went with our playgroup to Jamie's family farm in Cortez, CO. The kids had a blast running around, seeing the chickens, and planting tomato seeds. It was a fun day and the kids are excited to see their seeds sprouting and growing. Keep your fingers crossed that I can keep the tomatoes alive - I don't have much of a green thumb!

Monday, March 30, 2009

David's 6th Birthday

We celebrated David's 6th birthday with a Pirate Party at our house. He was joined by many of his school friends and had a wonderful time. Thanks to all who attended and sent gifts. He used his birthday money and money he's been saving to buy a new BMX bike - he is so proud.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Alexandra's 3rd Birthday!

Alexandra is 3 today! Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you..... We celebrated her birthday on Saturday with a small party since her cousin, Caiden, was visiting. She had a great time and ate her fair share of cake! Thanks everyone for the wonderful gifts she received, she loved them all!

Skiing at Purgatory

We've been hoping for snow and hitting the slopes. David is enjoying his third season on skis and is involved in Snowburners this year. He loves skiing! Alexandra has been skiing once with a daycare class and once with her Daddy - she seems to like it too. Here are some photos of our recent trips to Purgatory (last weekend we were joined by Ryan and Caiden).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another tooth for the tooth fairy ....

It's official, David is missing two teeth! He got off of the bus proudly showing off his tooth-shaped container holding his most recent loss. He had been waiting patiently to lose one at school in order to score the nifty container. Here's a photo of David - minus his two lower front teeth.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas in Missouri

This year was our turn to be in Missouri for Christmas with Liz's family. We had a great time: with a visit from Santa, gingerbread house decorating, fun with cousins Luke & Kate, loads of presents, and lots of family time. The kids received what they requested from Santa, along with tons more gifts that they loved. Thanks to everyone for our presents. We had lots of fun and I even got to sneak away for lunch with Amy and shopping with Mom. Loved every minute. =)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Photos

We had these photos taken of the kids through our MOPS group. We promised the kids a trip to McDonald's afterwards. I asked Alexandra if she'd like a happy meal, she thought for a second and replied "No. I'd like a mean meal"......

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Kids + Dog Costume = Crazy Photos

Wow - give a kid a dog costume and see what happens! Poor Noel. She's a good sport. Good thing the cat got away before it was her turn.....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The kids saw Santa at the Farmington Mall last night. David hounded him for a ride on his sleigh (and wouldn't take No for an answer), an I-Dog, and a MP3 Player.

Alexandra wouldn't say a word to Santa. So David explained to Santa that she doesn't really like to talk much, but would like Princesses and a Doll House. What a helpful big brother!

Christmas Tree Cutting

We went out and cut our Christmas tree on Saturday. We enjoyed a hike in a little bit of snow to find the perfect tree. It's huge, full, and decorated with a zillion ornaments by our kiddos. I love Christmastime!

David lost a tooth!

David lost his first tooth on Saturday. He went from suprised, to sad, to really sad, to mad that he'd swallowed it, and back to suprised. Very funny. See photo - he was sad in this one =)

Monday, August 25, 2008

David's First Day of Kindergarten

Wow - How time flies! The kids are getting so big.

David had his first day of Kindergarten last week. So far he is loving it and having so much fun. He started riding the bus today (sorry, no photos - I didn't want to embarrass him in front of the "big kids"!) and joined his new classmates in his first full day with his teacher.

Alexandra is taking the transition pretty well and is enjoying her one-on-one time with mommy. She told me after we put him on the bus "My David in 'chool. Miss my David.....". So cute!